
This is Orange CMS, a [C]ontent [M]anagement [S]ystem to easily create your own little self-hosted blog using the [O]pen [R]SS Feed [a]nd [N]ews Page [G]enerator [E]ngine written by Daniel Maslowski. It is tiny, quick & orange.

It is also fully open source.




Only MySQL is supported for now. Just create a new database (schema) and a user to access it.


For nginx you will have to configure the root to Orange CMS for rewrite rules and PHP execution. Most preconfigured Apache installations should be fine. You might need to run a2enmod rewrite.

Downloads / Orange CMS distribution

You can download zip file releases of the base system and prebuilt Android apps from the download page. Simply extract and put the contents of the orangecms folder into the desired folder of your webserver. If you run an OS with a package manager, you might have found Orange CMS in one of the repositories there. I'm using FreeBSD and Linux myself, and I'm planning to write packages for several distros. ;) If you cloned the git repository, you may wish to create a build first. See the development section below for more information.

Run the installer

WARNING: The following methods transfer all your data unprotected, including your password. You would have to set up SSL or whatever you prefer to secure your installation. That is, however, up to you. ;)

First of all, move the file config.php.dist to config.php and edit it according to your setup.

Now you can visit http://your-server/login to log in and then open http://your-server/install. This will drop existing tables in your database, create new ones and add some demo posts and tags. You can then see them on http://your-server/blog and http://your-server/blog/cats for example.


There is already RSS output available on http://your-server/rss and http://your-server/rss/tag as well as HTML output on http://your-server/blog and http://your-server/blog/tag respectively.

This is all for now, but you can use any REST client to actually create more meaningful content as well as edit or delete existing posts. I use Postman for that purpose.

Future work

More features and a full documentation of the API will be following later.



Please make sure you have Composer and PHPUnit first and added them to your PATH. Before using (and writing) tests, run composer install to install the necessary PHP libraries. See composer.json and the respective manuals of PHPUnit and Behat/Mink for reference.


To create a release yourself, you will need Node.js and npm. I recommend installing them through your OS's package manager. To create releases, install the Node modules defined in package.json by running npm install first. Then you can use grunt regularly to run the tasks I prepared in Gruntfile.js. This will basically copy all the files for installation into dist/ and create a zip file in release/. There is no cleanup task defined yet. Please check the involved files to find out more.